" While living in Bangkok, a friend of mine received a breast augmentation by Dr. Chartchai. She was very pleased and told her friends about her doctor. I went in for a consultation and it took me another two years before I  returned for surgery. I had implants that were 10 years old and after breastfeeding two children, I needed a lift. Dr. Chartchai removed my implants and lifted my nipples. I also wanted to go down a cup size so smaller implants were used. The downtime was minimal and I am very pleased with the results. I am very happy with the lift and the smaller implant size. I also like having the implant placed above the muscle because they look and feel very real. Now, I am the one telling my friends about my doctor. Thank you Dr. Chartchai!"


Shari Forbes



Each Dawn I Die Until I Met Dr Chartchai. -
Bangkok, Thailand


I had a weekend facelift done in a Hospital just outside Pattaya in September 2007 at a cost 0f 30,000THB it was to change my looks and life for the next 7 years. The mess that was made of me was unbelievable, strips of skin were just cut out the sides of my face and huge ugly stitches to close the wounds, i went through hell every time i looked into the mirror. The surgeon there tried on 2 occasions to revise the scars but it only made it worse. I then had 2 more scar revision surgeries done in Bangkok over the next 5 years but no luck, the scars got wider and deeper. I was in total despair and went to 2 more surgeons who requested that i go back to the surgeon who made the mess in the first place. I had known about this extraordinary surgeon named Dr. Chartchai who had a practice in Samitivej hospital Bangkok so i decided to contact him through his website, i sent photographs and was given the details of what was needed and an appointment to meet him in March 2014. Such a joy to have found somebody who would not only do the surgery, but do it right. I paid the money upfront and my surgery was scheduled for the 13 September 2014 ( 3 weeks post op ) I had the blood tests and x ray etc on Friday the 12 September everything went well and i was asked to arrive at the hospital at 10.00am on Saturday 13 September 2014. I am a 57 year old male and the surgery was an endoscopic brow lift, full facelift and a neck lift. The great man marked my face up at 12.50pm and at 12.56pm the anesthetic was given and that was all i remember, the last thing was Dr. Chartchai patting me on the shoulder. The surgery took 7 hours and this great surgeon changed my life, my outlook and my looks, they used to call me Scarface now it is scar-less face. When i was awakened i was looked after so well when i was unconscious i was totally starving, no sickness, no pain, nothing, i was then given some sandwiches and soup. This extraordinary surgeon appeared at 8.30am Sunday morning and removed the bandages and drains and i asked him how i look, he said absolutely terrible and just give a small laugh, they discharged me at 9.50am ( able to get another breakfast in the hotel ) and that was that. Stitches were taken out the following Saturday and believe me no pain, results got better as the days went. Dr. Chartchai is not among the best, he is the best he gives everything to his patients, he is the top in the World at this type of surgery, do not be fooled by 5,000$ surgery it does not work, if you want the best go to the best. His virtues, values, experience, bedside manner are the creme de la creme. I am 3 weeks post surgery today and everybody back at work say i look 20 years younger, and the scars have all disappeared, unbelievable but true. I have included this Gentleman in my daily prayers and i will never ever forget what he did for me and as i said this was major facial surgery. God Bless you Dr Chartchai and staff.



Mike Burke




From Stephanie, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
(Medical concierge support provided by Cosmetic Surgery Travel)

Stephanie keeps a blog and wrote this entry while in Bangkok. She gave her permission to publish it here.

Day 1, day of surgery - 7:00 a.m., at the hospital
I silently practice my yogic breathing, IN ... two ... three ... four… OUT... two ... three ... four… IN... two ... three ... four… OUT... two ... three ... four…

As I lie on the surgical table, I know this is the ONLY way I am going to survive these next few hours.

IN ... two ... three ... four… OUT... two ... three ... four…

I can't believe I am actually doing this, that I am actually carrying through with this. C'mon, it's only eyelid surgery.

The thoughts race through my head as I lie in the O.R., looking around at the room. All the unfamiliar equipment, the sterile equipment, the nurses dressing one another into their sterile garb.

They drape me in green sterile sheets, wrap my head, all except my face, and leave a small opening above my tummy for the little bit of lipo the doctor's going to do so he can take some of my fat and inject it into my frown lines.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see him - Dr. Chartchai - plastic surgeon extraordinaire - arms raised as the O.R. nurse helps him with his gown and his gloves.

This is all so foreign to me. I have been fortunate enough to never have had a hospital stay, let alone time in a surgical environment.

I look up at the monitors to see what my blood pressure reads. Yeah, it is up slightly from 20 minutes earlier, before I got on the table. Not surprising, huh?

Oh, a chilly feeling all over my face and my tummy as I'm "swabbed" down with an antiseptic wash.

Dr. Chartchai had told me when I first met him that he likes to talk to his patients while he is working. We had already agreed on the music he would be playing. Coltrane, yes, I like Coltrane. Or maybe Dizzy. He said he liked Santana. Very cool.

(The guy probably thinks I am a bit loony as I also asked him what he would be doing the night before he worked on me. I wanted to make sure he wasn't planning on being out late, partying till dawn…I remember reading somewhere that I, as a patient, have every right to ask my doctor such questions. After all, I am placing all my trust in him. I am at his mercy when I am on that table!)

Dr. Chartchai is very good about telling me exactly what he is about to do, and if it will hurt. I had forewarned him that one of my big fears was needles, and getting shots! But today, just as in our consultation, he reassures me that the pain of the shots is nothing that I cannot survive just fine.

IN ... two ... three ... four… OUT... two ... three ... four… IN... two ... three ... four… OUT... two ... three ... four…

I keep returning to this breathing pattern, concentrating hard, focusing not on the pain of the needle but the rhythm of the breath…

Suddenly, I realize he's begun the procedure. I can't FEEL what he is doing but I can HEAR him working! It's an odd sensation. I have the feeling he is threading my eyelid.

Some time later, I hear the "clip, clip" sound… I can only guess that he is cutting the skin at that point. But thank God, no pain, just the sound.

Little did Dr. Chartchai suspect, I am sure, that we would be talking so much throughout the procedure. I am by nature quite the conversationalist. This, coupled with nervousness, is making me talk, talk, talk.

He's a good sport…our topics range from, What made you pick this area of medicine, to religion, to hobbies. Turns out he has a love of cars, just like my husband. So I talk on and on, about my husband's car projects, car shows, classic cars, etc.

Not only am I having my eyes done, but he is also cutting out two deep moles on my face and putting in fat in a facial crease.


10.30 a.m.
We're done. I can't believe that I have been in here for over 3 hours! I can almost say that time flew by.

The nurse immediately places a cold pack over my eyes and I ask if it's in the right place…I can't feel the cold below my eyebrows. Then someone reminds me that I am numb!

Dr. Chartchai hands me the mirror to look at myself, and quips, "You look like a raccoon!" And yep, I sure do! Purple, swollen, not a pretty sight.

As the nurses help me off the table, I realize I am a bit wobbly in the knees. Not from the surgery, but from the residual valium they had given me before surgery.

I sit in a wheel chair and am wheeled out to the waiting area. Independent me thinks, I shouldn't have them moving me about in a wheel chair…I can walk. But I try to stand up - guess it was a good thing I didn't jump off the operating table.

Oh yes, I ask Dr. Chartchai, before he leaves, how many shots did he give me this morning? I want to tell my husband. I know he won't believe me! Dr. Chartchai says, Well, I don't know, I didn't count but maybe 8 or 10 all together. I know they won't believe this back home!!! What, me so brave?

As Julie meets me, she so sweetly looks at me and says something like, You look great! She introduces me to the nurse, a lovely and gentle Thai woman, who will be visiting me the next couple of days.

We make our way to the cafeteria for some lunch before I go back to my hotel. I feel pretty good, just a little wobbly from the valium. But no pain in the face.

I feel ok being out in public as I had brought with me some very large prescription sunglasses, bought especially for this surgery. I knew I wouldn't be able to wear my contacts for a couple of weeks.

Just about the time we are leaving the hospital for my hotel, I start feeling a bit of pain in my face, a heavy, dull pain that seems to be below my eyes, more on my cheekbones.

Dr. Chartchai had given me some Tylenol to take home. As soon as I reach my room, I pop one and very soon the pain is gone. I remember someone saying that the more I iced my eyes these first 2 days, the quicker the recovery and less swelling. So armed with two ice packs, I get comfy in my bed, with icepack over the eyes, and listen to CNN on the TV.


2.00 p.m., at the hotel
No sooner am I settled than my Thai nurse arrives, armed with gauze for the icepacks and some bottled sterile water for my face. She shows me how to clean my eyes twice a day and apply the anti-biotic cream that had been prescribed.

Being a news junkie, I am happy just to lie in bed, ice over my eyes (oh, it feels good) and listen to CNN.

I keep waiting to start feeling some pain. But I end up never using any more of the Tylenol. (I had heard from 2 other women who have had eyelid surgery done before. One in particular had warned that I should get some heavier painkiller for afterwards. Both had said that I should expect some "weeping" of the eyes those first days, and some itching as well. These things never happened.)

I sleep off and on through the afternoon. In the evening, I feel fine enough to go downstairs and bring back a sandwich to my room.


Day 2
I can't wait to look at myself in the mirror this morning! Hmmm, I wonder, What will I REALLY look like after all the swelling has gone?

I very gingerly clean my eyes, just as the nurse had instructed. Then it's back to bed with the ice pack!

My longtime girlfriend, who has been living in Kuwait and whom I haven't seen in about 3 years, is flying in this afternoon to spend a few days with me. She is a nurse so I am anxious to hear her comments about my eyes!

Around 11 this morning, Julie's nurse comes by, looks at my eyes, and gently helps me clean them a little more. Her touch is soft, delicate, and careful. What a joy to have her here.

Julie arrives just a little while later, with a beautiful package under her arm! Ohhh, I love gifts, especially surprise gifts! We don't really treat our friends and family often enough with these unexpected treats.

Do you mind? I ask Julie. Can I open it? I tear into the beautifully wrapped package and find a wonderful, white, waffleweave cotton robe with slippers to match! The Saturday Night Live line popped into my head, It's not how you feel, it's how you look!

My friend arrives and can't believe how chipper I am! We rest (I, with more ice and she, with jet lag) and later that evening go out window shopping and to have dinner. I'm surprised again that I really don't feel more pain. And where's all that "weeping of the eyes" I had been warned about?


Day 3
After I ice for a couple of hours in the morning, we hit the trail to go sightseeing! We're out most of the day; I'm not self-conscious at all, as I am covered pretty well with my super-star sunglasses! But I must admit that it does feel good when I ice again in the evening. I keep those ice packs working overtime as long as I'm in my room. Maybe in a few days, I'll use the concealer makeup Julie brought me.


Day 4
Hmmm, not bad…the purple eyes are turning more into that greenish, yellow bruising. Swelling is down a lot! But I'm still icing as long as I am in the room. I remember that sometime during the night I had awoken when I felt myself touch one of my eyes. Maybe it had itched. I don't remember. No harm done, though.


Day 5
Big day…stitches out! I am reassured by my American nurse friend that it shouldn't hurt at all. I am anxious to hear Dr. Chartchai's reaction to how I look. Am I really healing well?

In his office, I'm on the examination bed. I start breathing, start counting. IN ... two ... three ... four… OUT... two ... three - done! It seems I'm on and off the table within moments. Stitches are out. I DID IT!!!!

I have to say it's such a sense of relief that I have actually had this done. I have been researching for almost 2 years about this procedure, about hospitals and doctors in Bangkok. It had been very easy to read all about cosmetic surgery. There's more than enough out there to educate even the most resistant patient.

I knew I couldn't afford to have this done in the US. And there had been such positive articles and stories coming from Thailand. The hard part had been choosing a doctor and hospital.

I came to Julie Munro and to Dr. Chartchai through such a circuitous way, I feel very pleased that all turned out so tremendously well. If it hadn't been for Cosmetic Surgery Travel with the handholding they gave me before I came to Bangkok, and with Julie's care and attention to detail once I got here, I may have chickened out.

But I didn't, and now I am finally ready to tell friends and family that I did it!




Larry Weisenthal, M.D., Ph.D.



I am a 61 year old physician (medical oncologist) from Southern California.  My websites are http://weisenthal.org and http://weisenthalcancer.com.  While in Bangkok for a medical meeting in December, 2006, I had bilateral lower lid blepharoplasties performed by Dr. Chartchai Rattnamahattana.  Dr. Chartchai was personally recommended to me by a colleague, Thai medical doctor, who told me that Dr. Chartchai was "the best."  This turned out to be completely true.

I found Dr. Chartchai to be thoroughly professional, knowledgeable, well trained (see his website for details), courteous, and collegial. He was experienced in all the relevant blepharoplasty techniques, including transcutaneous and transconjunctival.  In my own particular situation, the transcutaneous approach was chosen as the technique most likely to correct my problem, which included too much fat (a congenital problem, present since childhood) and loss of skin tone. The transcutaneous approach is very tricky, and not infrequently produces complications relating to poor positioning of the eyelid margins, following healing, with tissue retraction. The procedure itself went very well.  I had no preoperative or intraoperative sedation, only local injections of lidocaine.
I preferred to remain completely awake and alert during the procedure.  Most people would probably prefer to have some degree of sedation; the procedure can take one to two hours, and sedation does make time pass more quickly, from the patient's point of view.  There was momentarily stinging and burning, as expected, which quickly passed.  Thereafter, it was virtually painless, save for occasional minor and brief "twinges" of discomfort.

Dr. Chartchai and I talked to each other about social and family issues during the procedure.  I had to restrain myself from talking too much, to allow Dr. Charchai to concentrate on the task at hand.  For myself, I was glad to have avoided the sedation; it's just a personal choice (I also refused sedation for a colonoscopy I had earlier in the summer and for an inguinal hernia repair some years earlier). Post operatively, I had some pain when the lidocaine wore off.  I took only plain acetaminophen (Tylenol), without opiates.  I was happy to go back to my hotel room and lie down, with moist pads over the affected area.

The next day, I felt sufficiently recovered to attend a noon meeting at another hospital with a group of oncology colleagues, where I was the lead speaker in a round table discussion about  recent technical advances relating to cancer chemotherapy.  The same evening (one day post operatively), I flew home to Los Angeles.  I flew business class (I would not recommend coach, only one day post operatively).  I only had to take three acetaminophen tablets on the flight home.  The next day, I went into work and worked a full day. Five days postoperatively, I had a colleague (dermatologist) remove my sutures.

By one week postoperatively, it appeared that I would have a very good result.  It is now 4 months following my procedure, and I could not be more delighted with the result.  Both upper and lower eyelids are perfectly positioned. I have no problems wearing my contact lenses.  Cosmetically, I am elated to finally be rid of the "bags" which have been present all my life, and which my stepfather teased me about when I was a teenager.

As of this date, I have only a little triangular area of residual hemosiderin (iron) deposit underneath each lid, along with a little bit of hyperpigmentation of the lids themselves, representing slowiy resolving bruises.  These create the false impression of "circles" under the eyes, but it is a vastly improved appearance, compared to how it was before the procedure, and both the hemosiderin deposits and hyperpigmentation will completely resolve over time.

All in all, my expectations were exceeded, and I can recommend Dr. Chartchai without any reservations whatsoever.  In addition to being a skilled cosmetic surgeon, he is a gentleman and a scholar -- as good as or better than any first rate American cosmetic surgeon.


Larry Weisenthal, M.D., Ph.D.
Huntington Beach, California, USA
April 23, 2008








Welcome to the website of Dr. Chartchai, Bangkok Thailand’s leading board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon.

Dr. Chartchai’s specialty in facial plastic surgery includes lower and mid face lift, neck lift and endoscopic brow lift. In breast surgery it includes breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, and breast reshaping. In body surgery it includes abdominoplasty, liposuction, body sculpting and body lifts.

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