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Prior to surgery and prior to being admitted to hospital, Dr. Chartchai's patients will have standard pre-admissions tests that include routine blood work, a chest x-ray, and an EKG.

For all non-surgical or
non-medical requests,
please send an email


A mammogram and ultrasound breast exam are required for women having breast surgery unless one's been had in the past 6 months. The mammogram will likely be a digital mammogram.

Other tests may be ordered or other follow-up done if indicated by your health history, physical examination or test results.




Go to Meet Dr. Chartchai, Dr. Chartchai’s Philosophy, Biography, Surgery with Dr. Chartchai, Preliminary inquiry, Health history, In person consultation, Day of surgery, After surgery, Our patients, International patients, Medical travel, Medical concierge, The face, The breasts, The body, Surgery for men, Testimonials, Contact us