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Patients come to Dr. Chartchai because of his excellent surgical skills, patient listening skills and understanding, and uncompromising attention to detail.

He counts Bangkok's Thai high society patrons and foreign residents among his patients, and their referrals have helped build his reputation locally.


For all non-surgical or
non-medical requests,
please send an email

Many of Dr. Chartchai's patients come to Bangkok, Thailand from other countries, especially the U.S., Canada, Australia, and Europe, having "found" him through the surgery planning service, Cosmetic Surgery Travel and patient referrals. Dr. Chartchai's non-Thai patients now make up about 90% of his total.

Expatriates living in Bangkok and throughout Asia, the Middle East and Africa, have heard of Dr. Chartchai's skill as a surgeon through family, friends, and colleagues who have referred them to him, and travel to Bangkok for his services.





Go to Meet Dr. Chartchai, Dr. Chartchai’s Philosophy, Biography, Surgery with Dr. Chartchai, Preliminary inquiry, Health history, In person consultation, Day of surgery, After surgery, Our patients, International patients, Medical travel, Medical concierge, The face, The breasts, The body, Surgery for men, Testimonials, Contact us